Wednesday, February 17, 2016

So Far It's a Happy Lark

Into the third week of my new regime of rebelfit and I seem to be flying.  I think I always had the mindset, but not the necessary push to get me started - this is by far the best £30 I've spent, better then any gym membership or juice menu for a week.  Although it has taken me a fortnight or so to get used to the 'amount' of food I'm eating now and to fight with extreme tiredness.  My body is still changing but I find once I start exercising, I suddenly come alive!  Take this mornings workout - a 30 minute strength training session with lovely Jessica - it's a cardio strength for 30 mins, so the weights must never be too heavy - she recommends 8 pounds, that's roughly 3 and half kg - I used 3kg and found it - although difficult - 'doable'!

Anyway - I'm hardly ever hungry and when I am, I eat fruit and nuts - it works!  Plus I have one day off each week, for some wine and chocolate, although last week I didn't enjoy any of it!  My mindset is definitely changing and I'm not really striving to become 'lean' - just a healthy weight and for someone like myself to finally start wearing girly dresses in the Summer and not trying to hide my figure with oversized t shirts and trousers!  Plus I'm running further - perhaps not quicker - but I ran 7 miles last week and want to build up to 10!

Louie Robin as ever has been my true friend through everything, every day I see him maybe twice and get my 'Louie fix'... He poses so beautifully for me!

And the daffodils in my garden - now sadly looking forlorn after a heavy frost yesterday morning (nicely raining today of course, just for a change)  Oh for WARMTH! xx

Sunday, January 31, 2016


Yes, I have a very good idea what happened.

Life got in the way.  Life is so hard.  I used to be quite a good multi-tasker - as in - visit every single site I'm joined to under the sun and keep it ALL UP TO DATE.  Sadly now running my own business and still on the mission to get fit and thin, rather takes over my life!

Anyhow - after a month of juicing and having zero energy!  And having yet another month of endless rain and wind and cold and not being able to get out running that much, I've signed up to this:

diet rehab with rebelfit

Because I'm fed up of having zero energy and feeling hungry...  It's time to sort myself out once and for all!

And I figured - I need somewhere to talk about it - even if it's just going to be me reading it, like a very public 'Dear Diary' - so it's here for anyone to read and anyone who like me is literally struggling with the healthy eating/exercise 'thing'!

Plus, to keep this blog in tune with my 'other' part of my life - I will end every day with a new photograph - please bare in mind, it might sometimes (a lot of the time) be a robin and always the same one (Louie!) but today, it's a yellow crocus and a rather vivid green young stinging nettle - it has rained for the last 3 months and apart from the odd very cold day - it has been mild - although it hasn't felt mild with all the wind and the rain - it has been downright miserable!

So let's end on something bright...  And Spring like!