Monday, July 6, 2015

Foam Rolling Rules

Day 2 of Jessica's #SummerofStrength (I know, hash tags don't work on blogs, but I need to get into the habit of linking this!) and my thighs, legs - hamstrings, glutes, calf muscles ache like sodding hell - in fact, they ache so much, I can hardly kneel down let alone sit down - all the squats and lunges with weights - ouch ouch ouch!  Coupled off with my Pilates class this morning (every Monday for an hour), I decided to say nothing, but it hurt even more!  I came home shattered and had to lie down!

So.... This afternoon I got my foam roller out - something I purchased a few months ago, determined to keep it up (something I have done in Pilates) and found (hooray) a 15 minute foam roller workout with my favourite instructor of ALL time - Jessica Smith - and believe me, I was in heaven.... It usually hurts like hell in Pilates, but for those 15 minutes, the knots in my muscles came out and even though my hamstrings still ache, everything else feels a whole lot better - so I really need to do this every single day!!!  As Jessica said, a school of science say it's best to do it before and after each workout, but time is an issue... But I think I can do it, just get up 'earlier' (I'm trying, just so knackered in the mornings!).

I walked down the end of the drive this morning and looked up at the ancient crab apple tree, possibly one of the oldest trees in the parish and it's laden with apples!  I wish I knew how to make crab apple jelly!  What a waste!  Anyhow! :) xxx

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