Saturday, July 4, 2015

The Fitness Struggle

Well, certainly for me!

I am addicted to exercise,  I admit it, I am an exerciseholic - no it's not even a word, but if it was, it would describe me down to a T.  Exercise is my drug and I often feel that euphoric high when I'm moving at high intensity levels for a few minutes at the time, the more I push myself harder, the more I can do and keep going and in fact sigh when I have to slow down or if the exercise stops altogether. Sadly for me that's a bad thing, as I've read so much about short bursts of exercise are a lot better for you then long drawn out cardio sessions - but then, I don't do those, I keep my HIIT going and can go for longer times (unless I'm sprinting!  And that's just my legs tiring, not anything else!)  (HIIT stands for 'High Intensity Interval Training').

Also since purchasing and wearing continuously my fitbit flex, it has become another obsession to walk at least 10,000 steps a day (I'd like to do 20,000, but life keeps getting in the way) and at least do 100,000 steps each week (last week I only did 92,000 steps!  Irritating!) - it's not that I beat myself up or have feelings of failure or punish myself with more vigorous exercise, I just start again, but I just feel frustration that I can't seem to do what I want to do!  My life though is free, I have no husband and no children to tie me down, I don't think I could handle it somehow, I've always been fiercely independent, an only child with two incredibly loving parents who have given me the green light to do whatever I want to do but I think narrowing everything down, I think I feel guilty more then anything, guilty that I should be doing more to better my career, care for my house and home and try and find this 'amazing' man who's still 'meant' to be in my future somewhere... But my head and my heart somehow mixes everything up and I'm never sure if I'm coming or going.  Let's just say I do indeed have an addictive personality, I can get into something and give it my 100% full attention, but then something happens or I get bored and then I move on to the next thing... Or is that just normal?  But since starting this exercise lark, I've kept on now solidly at it for 2 years and have never lost my fitness, every day I literally get fitter and everyday I mix more and more things up - from the rut of the gym and the continuous same machines now to a run, a walk, a kettle bell routine, a kickboxing morning, a bounce on my rebounder, a Pilates session, some yoga... Every day is different now, but there's still part of me which wants a proper timetable so I WILL strength train 3 times a week, I WILL do endurance cardio on the days I'm not training so hard, I DO HIIT training at least 3 times a week etc...

I'm not sure where I'm going with this - I need to talk to someone properly about it.  I still feel fat, no matter what I do though, I still look at in the mirror and sigh at my bulging stomach and wonder how that is?  I will admit I do like wine - but have been drinking watered down red wine recently and only one glass and not every night.  I need to talk to a nutritionist but as ever life IS GETTING IN THE WAY - as got something important next week so can't do anything until that's over and done with.

As for rest days - what are they?  I can't seem to take any time off exercising and I'm not tired, I'm in fact so unbelievably energised, so I'm not burning out just yet!  But I still feel I need help somewhere!

Anyhow - just ignore all that up there and see this!

Aha Jessica - I love when you say that in your workouts!  And thank you so much for replying to my tweet last night, which is here!

I never got a reply tweet from Leslie Sansone when I raved about her to, er, 'her' but then it might not be her, it might be someone in 'her' management!

I did a new workout with Jessica this morning, her dvd of Walk On: 5 Fat Burning Miles and as ever, absolutely loved it and wanted to do it all again!  I particularly love her two bonus workouts for feet, hips and knees - just what I need!  And yes, my toes did cramp rather a lot and my hamstrings cramp too as they're so short and tight, but I'm working on it!  (it's hell in Pilates!)  Anyway, so another huge thumbs up for yet another Jessica workout, I so want to invest in her other dvd's, as well as try out more from her youtube channel << see, this is typical me, throwing myself 100% into these new workouts, let's see how this one lasts until I find someone new! ;)

:) xxx

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