Friday, July 3, 2015

My home

Is rather beautiful!  I left London for the countryside, for my favourite county - Devon - and I've never looked back!  I am so lucky to be living in my once favourite holiday destinations (well, apart from Italy, but, I can't speak Italian!) and I'm only sorry I've lost my mum to love it with... but I have my dad and he means everything to me!

Today I've had a real battle with myself - I've got all of these lovely fitness dvds and I just want to try them all out at once... around 5pm I fought with myself 'not' to have another hours workout as I am afraid of burning out, of over training, but I have so much energy and utterly love my fitness levels as it makes me feel so well and good!  I overcame it by hoovering the house instead! ;)

I thought I'd use this blog post tonight to show you my home and a special walk we try and do each evening - either we go over the road to watch the sunset, or we just walk around the village, which is a nice gentle walk and then go and visit my mum's gravestone - I realise she's not there, she's with us at home and anywhere we are, but it's still a place to go and tend!

My village from a gate on the other side of the road, looks rather idyllic doesn't it? :)

My house is the one with the tall ted brick chimney

As much as I'll ever reveal of myself for now - my shadow! 

 My dad striding out in front, we keep each other fit! :)

 The hedgerows this year are lush - this is red campion and lady's lace

 Looking over at the view from our 'sunset' gate

 Looking opposite our sunset gate

 A pair of beautiful beech trees that always look so enchanted

Last nights sunset

Quite dramatic!

Looking across at the Atlantic Ocean over the countryside

I have many favourite trees in the area and this ash tree is certainly one of them!

Sunset cow!

Inquisitive beasts!

Today in the garden, it's all gone rather pink!

Mullien moth caterpillar getting fat on the figwort!

So, as you can see, I live in a totally amazing place, I utterly love it and I get to run these routes too when I can!  Although it does rain a lot here... But then, without it, I doubt it would be so remarkable!

:) xxx

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